Golden Wind (S4E21) - Hold On, Un-Finding My Family
July 7th, 2021 | 57 mins 19 secs
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
We might actually understand how King Crimson works.
Golden Wind (S4E20) - Dr. Gyrokonomiyaki's Monster
June 30th, 2021 | 1 hr 5 mins
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
Understanding King Crimson by way of Adam Sandler.
Golden Wind (S4E19) - It's Actually Pretty Smart When You Think About It
June 23rd, 2021 | 58 mins 50 secs
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
The most appropriate "Freek'n You" yet.
Golden Wind (S4E18) - Read The Pee Leaves
June 9th, 2021 | 54 mins 44 secs
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
This power makes absolute zero sense.
Golden Wind (S4E17) - That's Not Very Di Molto Of You
June 2nd, 2021 | 1 hr 35 secs
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
The case of the disappearing cheeseburger.
Golden Wind (S4E16) - He Is No Longer Mammone, He Is MANmone
May 25th, 2021 | 53 mins 52 secs
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
At last, Pesci is finally a Rubber Man.
Golden Wind (S4E15) - Twerking The Bullets Into His Gun
May 19th, 2021 | 56 mins 40 secs
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
Let me touch that neck, just a little bit...
Golden Wind (S4E14) - Play-Doh Pesci Playset
May 12th, 2021 | 53 mins 5 secs
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
A siren's song of neck latex.
Golden Wind (S4E13) - Step-Clown I'm Stuck
May 5th, 2021 | 48 mins 54 secs
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
What's even happening?!
Golden Wind (S4E12) - Is The Hamburglar a Hamburger Sex Criminal
April 28th, 2021 | 1 hr 2 mins
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
Dammit Giorno, when you ride shotgun you have ONE JOB!
Golden Wind (S4E11) - Step On Me Cheese Daddy
April 21st, 2021 | 59 mins 40 secs
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
When you're here, you're family.
Golden Wind (S4E10) - Waiter, There's A Nissan In My Soup
April 14th, 2021 | 53 mins 56 secs
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
A car is the most untraceable of poisons.
Golden Wind (S4E09) - I Believe God Forgives Even Watersports
April 7th, 2021 | 1 hr 2 mins
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
Make it rain golden showers.
Golden Wind (S4E08) - Better Than A Velvet Elvis
March 31st, 2021 | 59 mins 42 secs
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
tap, tap, tap, tap, tap..........
Golden Wind (S4E07) - PogChamping At The Bit
March 17th, 2021 | 1 hr 3 mins
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
Golden Wind (S4E06) - Face First Into A Hot Topic To Drown His Sorrows
March 10th, 2021 | 51 mins 14 secs
anime, golden wind, jjba, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stand, tv, vento aureo
This power is more inscrutable than usual.